
Blog Tour: Poppies for Christmas by Stacey Keywell

Poppies For Christmas by Stacy Keywell
Published: November 15, 2016
Genres: Romance, Young Adult
A celebration of love without labels. It’s easy to be brave with you by my side!
Popular DJ Dexx finds himself positively smitten by the precociously pristine Poppy Paris. Too bad she’s already taken by an older boy, Declan Davies, a beautiful model with a thriving career, and a perfect family. By a dreamful stroke of chance, Dexx finds himself invited to spend Christmas at the Davies home by a gorgeous girl, granting him the opportunity to pursue the precious Poppy. But in his quest to win her over, he unlocks a world of imperfection and insecurity, where people are picked on for their disabilities, speech, appearance, and eccentricities. For Poppy and her friends, love trumps labels, and everyone deserves a brave friend to stand by their side. What gifts will Dexx discover this Christmas? Will he ultimately find true love, or will he discover something even greater?
You are invited to read a powerful story about living with autism, but not letting it define you, about being bullied, but carrying on with determination and grit, and about having dreams, but not giving up in the face of adversity. Come celebrate something beautiful with Poppies for Christmas.
Goodreads / Amazon

Poppies for Christmas Excerpt #2
Stuck in a daze, and penned in a maze of forest green velour, Poppy waited her turn in line. She puckered her cream colored lips which happened to match her cream, lace tube top immaculately. A long, knit, chocolate brown coat hung down her back all the way to her heels, Rapunzel’s cascading hair. She wore a cream pair of shorts with brown thigh-high stockings to keep warm. She’d tied her hair back in a thick, dark ponytail which wagged at me as she marched toward the cashier.
Smiling and nodding at the barista, Poppy grabbed something green. A matcha tea frappe perhaps, with tons of whip, and a bottle of organic, green, vitamin-enhanced juice. She slurped from her tall straw while she carried the bottle with her in the other hand. I followed behind, leaving some distance between us, as to not get caught.
Poppy slowly headed back toward the store with the insane line. Ignoring the roped off area, she entered, and walked in back. She greeted a man at the end of a long, white clothed table. I watched, cowering in the corner by a sales rack near the front. She smiled wide at the man. He turned his face toward the door. It was him!
My body froze, unsure of how to take another step. As I had predicted, I recognized him straight away. Poppy stood next to him, a tall guy with wavy, dark hair, and piercing eyes. Towering over her, he bent down and pecked her on the cheek, warmly rubbing her on the back of her chocolate sweater. She nodded, then backed up as the crowd slowly crept through the doorway, and down the line.
Mr. Model stood rigid as he greeted his guests. He occasionally bowed chivalrously at his teen admirers. He flashed them with his blinding white smile, and posed for endless pictures, signing their bags. Trembling girls cried. They snapped shameless selfies with him, or touched his muscular biceps. With each new admirer, he simply repeated his chivalrous routine, his act of bowing and smiling, smiling and bowing, flexing and signing, signing, and flexing. Over and over again, with tireless enthusiasm, as the assembly line of teeny-bopper girls swooned, screeched, clawed, and cried over his mythical beauty.
In the background, Poppy swayed to the loud music that blasted from the speakers mounted throughout the store. Bored or antsy, she wandered around the back of the table, and danced. A few of the employees giggled at her charade, pointing at her. One worker even attempted to join her until a stern-eyed manager type put the kibosh on the unauthorized entertainment with a fierce look, warning against joining the Poppy party.
Like the others, I wanted to join the Poppy party. A few model dudes murmured things to Poppy who sashayed away. She headed over to some nearby clothing racks. She picked through the flannel tops and ripped jeans her mousy friend favored. This caused Mr. Model to frown. His lip trembled from her absence. I cackled to myself, glad to see her break away from Mr. Perfect. But, I grew chagrined once she boogied right back to his side, squelching his pouty face. She ceased her swaying, and fell into rocking back and forth. She examined the ceiling to pass the time during this tedious event.
           About Stacy
Stacy Renée Keywell enjoys spending time misusing, mispronouncing, and misspelling languages, especially in her native tongue, English. When she is not stargazing or daydreaming she creates adventures for her family to conquer. Besides following her whimsical dreams, Stacy likes to sing to the music in her head, dance poorly, and compose non-sensical words. She is also the author of Forbidden Sky- Book One of the Dark Wing Series. Stacy resides in Michigan in a little house in the woods with her husband, and two daughters.




Mini Review: With Love from the Inside by Angela Pisel

With Love from the Inside by Angela Pisel
Published: August 9, 2016
Publisher: G.P. Putnam's Sons
Format: via publisher
Rating: 5/5

Grace Bradshaw knows the exact minute she will die. On death row for murdering her infant son, her last breath will be taken on February 15 at 12:01 a.m. Eleven years, five months, and twenty-seven days separate her from the last time she heard her precious daughter’s voice and the final moment she’d heard anyone call her Mom. Out of appeals, she can focus on only one thing—reconnecting with her daughter and making sure she knows the truth.
Secrets lurk behind Sophie Logan’s big house and even bigger bank account. Every day when she kisses her husband good-bye, she worries her fabricated life is about to come crumbling down. No one knows the unforgivable things her mother did to tear her family apart—not her husband, who is a prominent plastic surgeon, or her “synthetic” friends who live in her upscale neighborhood.
Grace’s looming execution date forces Sophie to revisit the traumatic events that haunted her childhood. When she returns to her hometown, she discovers new evidence about her baby brother William’s death seventeen years ago—proof that might set her mother free but shatter her marriage forever.
Sophie must quickly decide if her mother is the monster the prosecutor made her out to be or the loving mother she remembers—the one who painted her toenails glittery pink and plastered Post-it notes with inspiring quotes (“100 percent failure rate if you don't try”) all over Sophie’s bathroom mirror—before their time runs out.

My Thoughts
This heartbreaking tale of Grace who is on death row for the murder of her son will make you realize things aren’t always so black and white. Her daughter Sophie hasn’t spoken to her mother since she found out she was convicted of this horrible crime. When Grace’s execution date is set she is determined to let her daughter know she is innocent and to let her know she loves her with all her heart.

Sophie was sheltered a lot by her father who never believed his wife killed their son. He was her fighter until his death so when Sophie decides to make a trip back home she realizes just how much her father was fighting for her mother's innocence. Sophie is now married and is living the life one who could only dream of, and her husband has no idea about her family’s past. So when she is contacted by her mom’s attorney she fears her past will ruin her future. However, when she finds evidence that might save her mother she will do everything in her power to save the woman she deserted years ago.

This novel is one that touched me from the very start. You feel Sophie’s angry but then you feel her pain towards the end. The guilt she feels is understandable and you want the wrong righted again. This is the story of love, family and most importantly forgiveness this is one read that you won't be able to put down.


Release Day Launch: Kissing Mr. Mistletoe by Kate Kisset

It’s release day for Kissing Mr. Mistletoe! Check it out and grab your copy today!! Kissing Mr. Mistletoe, Kate Kisset, wine country romance, holiday in the vineyard, Christmas romance 
About Kissing Mr. Mistletoe 
You are cordially invited to spend your HOLIDAYS IN THE VINEYARD. Ever since his last remaining relative died, Country music star Trace Montgomery has avoided California, specifically his home town, Napa Valley. Trace can’t stand the memories.   Seven days before the holiday, he’s forced to return to wine country to sell the St. Helena Christmas tree farm he inherited from his uncle.   With his sidekick guitar Lola nearby, a past love, the one that got away, falls into his arms while trying to turn a vineyard bunny sculpture into a reindeer. Now, Trace can't stop thinking about her. He's making up naughty lyrics to Christmas songs...   Single mom, Monique Jacobson doesn’t have time for a bath, never mind a romance. She’s working hard to secure a promotion and pay raise from Santino Winery that will allow her and her daughter to move out of Nana’s little B&B.   St. Helena and Napa Valley hotels are booked for the holiday, and Monique finds Trace hold up with her and her daughter at her gran's Napa B&B for a Christmas in wine country. Will they rediscover the love they lost and rekindle Christmas magic under the mistletoe?   
*Kissing Mr. Mistletoe is a standalone read. Although you may recognize some of the names, this Christmas gem features its own cast of lovable and sexy characters. 
Exclusive Excerpt 
Adele didn’t wait for further instruction and hurled the plastic nose cover into the air. Spinning, the snout missed Monique’s outstretched hand and continued its path of projection several feet over her head and to the right. Rudolf’s schnozzle caught the light and sparkling in the sun, made its descent. Monique shifted her weight to grab it. Almost there. She reached up and over feeling the ladder sway and rock beneath her. “Mommy!” Quickly seizing her perch with both hands, the sole of her boot slipped sideways on the metal step. Instead of regaining her balance, Monique skidded down one rung, and then another with her left foot and then another and another, until she found herself rappelling backward down the ladder, desperately grappling to hang on to whatever she could and praying for a soft landing. “Mommy!” She missed the last step and hit the ground, landing flat on her back. “Oh no!” Adele scampered to her and laid her soft chubby hands on Monique’s cheeks. Snuggling close, her sweet breath touched her skin. Adele inspected her eyes from an inch away. “Are you hurt bad?” “I’m okay, baby.” Reaching behind her back, Monique found the rock digging into her spine. She plucked it out of the dirt and flung it. “You shouldn’t be climbing on top of something you can’t handle.” Every cell of Monique’s body froze. Her heart paused mid-thump. The familiar drawl of the deep, sexy, voice coming from above propelled her back in time at warp speed to six years ago. But it couldn’t be him. Not in a million years. She wrapped one arm tightly around Adele, and shielding her eyes from the glare with the other, looked up. Shit. Trace Montgomery towered over her. He folded his arms over his chest making his smooth, muscled biceps bulge under his navy T-shirt. Wearing jeans that fit him as precisely as a fireman carries a hose, and with his swagger apparently still intact, he leaned back on the heel of his boot and tilted his face, rubbing his jaw. His unmistakable green eyes sparkled down at her. “W-what are you doing here?” “You’re hardly in a position to be asking questions.” He reached with a powerful hand and lifted her up off the ground, along with Adele. After removing a twig wedged between her legs and butt cheek, Monique attempted to get her bearings. Her brain stuttered, stopped and skipped over the right words to say. Her libido, however, operated flawlessly. Tingles charged from her neck to her toes and she broke into a sweat. Steadying her gaze on his preposterously handsome face, a result of mixed genetic magic, her heart beat out of her skin. Trace opened his arms for a hug. Before she could think, he wrapped them around her and squeezed, smelling like—well, smelling like Trace, a combination of clean, fresh and help me now, Jesus.     
Check out the trailer!!  

About Kate 
Kate Kisset, Contemporary romance author
Kate Kisset, Contemporary romance author. Former San Francisco radio disc jockey Kate Kisset is passionate about telling great stories. After playing thousands of Pop, Country, Rock and Oldies tunes, for her primarily female fan base, she changed her tune and became an author. Just a Kiss is the first book in her Napa Vineyard romance series, The Single Girls Wine Club. She lives in Northern California and Santa Barbara with her family and rescue pup “editor” Luciana Parmigiana, where she hikes, reads, listens to music, and drinks wine. 
Connect with Kate! 
Enter Kate’s Giveaway!


Book Blast: Paper Love by Aubrey Wynne

It’s her extraordinary inner beauty that captures his heart. 
Chicago Christmas #2
Aubrey Wynne
Released Oct 18, 2016

Growing up in a Papua New Guinea mission, Joss Palmateer is a gentle soul with a unique view of life. Still adjusting to a new home in the U.S and the sudden loss of her mother, love is the last thing on her mind.

Sexy physical therapist, Ben Montgomery, meets his sister’s friend and the sparks fly. He takes it as a challenge when she ignores his advances, but it’s her extraordinary inner beauty that captures his heart. With the help of a stray homing pigeon and an old origami legend, Ben sets an unwavering course of romance to win her love.


As they walked past the fountain, he stopped, swallowed, and plunged into the speech he’d planned for the last week. “Joss, I know you are hesitant to date me, and I understand your reasons. I can’t blame you but it’s also not my fault that I’m...popular.”
She opened her mouth to speak, and he gently put a finger on her lips. “Hear me out. Since I laid eyes on you that night, my world has tilted. I feel a connection to you that I’ve never felt before, and I think you feel the same.”
She took his finger in her hand. “I don’t know if I’m in a place where I can move forward with a relationship.” Her eyes held a pain that threatened to rip his chest open. He wanted to heal her, remove the hurt from her eyes now and forever.
“I know that. I’ve just finished my internship, and I’m starting a permanent position at the clinic.” He paused, stroking her cheek with the back of his finger. “Let’s take a month to get to know each other. You decide if you are staying or going back to your old life. I’ll get settled into my new job. We see each other as friends, no pressure or romance.”
“So no strings.”
“Exactly. Except I won’t be seeing anyone else. I need to prove to you that I’m not a player. Then in a month, we’ll reassess. If you are in a good place by then, we’ll make it official and start dating.” He let out a sigh. He couldn’t read her face at all.
“One month?” She looked up at him, her eyes narrowed. “You’ve thought this through, haven’t you?”
He nodded, hoping this brilliant idea didn’t backfire on him. “It’s a deal. So I’ll see you without any romantic overtures?”
He hesitated. Not kissing her over the next month would be one of the hardest things he’d ever done. “No romance starting tomorrow.”
“I want you to know what you may be missing. Over the next month you can think about this.” He cupped her face in his hands, brushing his lips softly against hers. Every muscle in his body jumped to attention at the touch. His desire flared, and his head dipped again, covering her lips, coaxing her to respond.
Her hands gripped his biceps, clinging to him as if she might fall. A soft sigh escaped her, and he thought he would explode. He buried his face in her shoulder, her silky hair caressing his cheek as he breathed in the scent of her. Joss had been sent to him. He would start the next phase of his life with her by his side. And he would pull her through her troubled waters. Ben gave her one more lingering kiss then pulled her hand through his arm. They walked silently toward the parking garage.
His heart thumped slow and steady as he realized he’d found love. No sweaty palms. No racing heart. No panic. It was more like an enchantment, this discovery of a person who filled him with peace and hope, who made him want to be better, be a hero for someone else. But his usual bulldozer style would not work on Joss. Exuberance and charm would bounce off her shield. Patience and determination were the key; Joss would pay attention to his actions not his words.
Just like his beating heart, slow and steady would win this race.

Bestselling and award-winning author Aubrey Wynne resides in the Midwest with her husband, dogs, horses, mule and barn cats. She is an elementary teacher by trade, champion of children and animals by conscience, and author by night. Obsessions include history, travel, trailriding and all things Christmas.

Her short stories, Merry Christmas, Henry and Pete's Mighty Purty Privies have won Readers Choice Awards and Dante's Gift received the 2016 Golden Quill and Heart of Excellence award, as well as being a Maggie and Aspen Gold finalist.

Besides her Chicago Christmas novellas, Aubrey will release "A Vintage Romance" series inspired by tales of her stepfather, who served for the British Air Force in WWII. The stories will be set in the 40s & 50s. Her medieval fantasy series will launch in 2017 with Rolf's Quest.


Release Blast: Making Christmas and What Happens at Midnight by Laura Chapman

Brings the warmth of the holiday season to life.
A Novella
Laura Chapman
Nov 8, 2016

While settling into a new career in a new community, Ivy is determined not to let the holiday season pass her by. Enter the grown up advent calendar: twenty-four days of festivities to celebrate Christmas. What begins as a bit of fun turns into a mission to spread cheer when she meets Everett. After learning about his bad Christmas attitude, she invites him to join her quest. Despite his initial reservations, Everett quickly gets caught up in the spirit of the calendar. But when new feelings surface and are impossible to ignore, Everett’s inner curmudgeon threatens to put a damper on the whole experience.

This holiday novella from Laura Chapman brings the warmth of the holiday season to life.

   Amazon | B & N | iTunes | Kobo
A Novella
Laura Chapman
Nov 8, 2016

Romantic comedy junkie Natalie lives out those fantasies in real life three New Year's Eves in a row when fate throws her together with the same handsome stranger. A heartbreaking turn of events leaves her swearing off of love, forevers, and the holidays (bah humbug). That is until the mystery man from her past reappears years later. Over a holiday season, Natalie struggles to reconcile the whimsical notions of her past with the practical sensibilities she has worked so hard to develop. With the countdown to a new year looming, she must decide whether or not she is willing to give happily ever after another shot.

In this holiday novella by Laura Chapman, celebrate the holiday season with a love story about second, and fifth, chances and learning to trust your heart.

Amazon | B & N | iTunes | Kobo

Laura Chapman is the author of First & Goal, Going for Two, Three & Out, and The Marrying Type. A native Nebraskan, she loves football, Netflix marathons, and her cats, Jane and Bingley. Connect with her online on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube and on her website at www.laurachapmanbooks.com.


Virtual Tour: One Snowy Night by Jill Shalvis

Jill Shalvis returns to Heartbreaker Bay 
with a fun and festive holiday novella!
Heartbreaker Bay #2.5
Jill Shalvis
Releasing Nov 8, 2016

New York Times bestselling author Jill Shalvis returns to Heartbreaker Bay with a fun and festive holiday novella!

It’s Christmas Eve and Rory Andrews is desperate to get home to the family she hasn’t seen in years. Problem is, her only ride to Lake Tahoe comes in the form of the annoyingly handsome Max Stranton, and his big, goofy, lovable dog Carl.

Hours stuck in a truck with the dead sexy Max sounds like a fate worse than death (not), but Rory’s out of options. She’s had a crush on Max since high school and she knows he’s attracted to her, too. But they have history… and Max is the only one who knows why it went south.

They’ve done a good job of ignoring their chemistry so far, but a long road trip in a massive blizzard might be just what they need to face their past… and one steamy, snowy night is all it takes to bring Max and Rory together at last.

New York Times bestselling author Jill Shalvis lives in a small town in the Sierras with her family and far too many assorted quirky characters. Any resemblance to the quirky characters in her books is, um, mostly coincidental.

Look for Jill's latest, SWEET LITTLE LIES on shelves and e-readers now, and get all her bestselling, award-winning books wherever romances are sold.

Visit Jill's website for a complete book list and daily blog detailing her city-girl-living-in-the-mountains adventures.

Christmas Eve had the nerve to show up just like it did every year: way too quickly and with ridiculous fanfare.
The nerve.
Rory Andrews stood in the courtyard of the Pacific Pier Building in San Francisco, surrounded by sparkly holiday lights and enough garlands to give the place its own ozone, and told herself things could be worse.
She just wasn’t sure how.
It was the unknown, she decided. Because this year, unlike the past six, she’d be spending Christmas with her family, a thought that caused a swarm of butterflies to take flight in her belly.
Not an uncommon feeling since she’d turned twenty-three a few months back and decided it was time to become a person she could be proud of if it killed her. And given the guy leaning against one of the lamp poles clearly waiting for her, arms crossed, frown in place, it just might.
Max Stranton. At his side sat Carl, his huge, eternally hungry, adorable Doberman.
“No,” she said, not to Carl but to Carl’s owner. Who was not lovable. “No way.”
As always when their gazes locked, Max’s was a disconcerting mix of heat and . . . something else that she couldn’t quite figure out, as he was good at hiding when he wanted to be. She never quite knew how to take the heat because it seemed reluctant. He was attracted to her but didn’t want to be.
Ditto. He made her knees wobble. And also a couple of other inner reactions that shouldn’t be happening in public.
“Merry Christmas to you too, Rory,” he said, and damn. It wasn’t just his eyes. His voice was rough and sexy, and for that matter, so was the rest of him.
He worked for an investigations and security firm in the building. Basically he and the rest of his team were fixers and finders for hire. To say that Max was good at his job was an understatement. He stood there looking like sex on a stick with a duffle bag slung over a broad shoulder, his dark hair two weeks past needing a cut, and the icy wind of an incoming storm plastering his clothes to a body that could be registered as a lethal weapon.
“What are you doing here?” she asked calmly even if her heart was anything but, pounding all the way up to her throat and ears because she knew. She knew exactly why he was here. “I don’t need a ride home.”
A flash of wry humor slid in with all that sizzling heat. “Because you’d rather take two buses and a train than get into my truck with me?” he asked.
Well yes, actually.


Release Day Blitz: All I Want for Christmas

15 incredible authors have come together to bring you 14 wonderful stories in one boxset. Make sure to get your hands on the ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS boxset - 100% of the proceeds will benefit diabetes research. Make sure you grab it now, because the boxset will no longer be available after December 31st!

Brenda Novak’s latest “digital box set for a cure,” ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS, is a contemporary romance collection of delightful and romantic Christmas stories. It features Brenda's Rita-nominated novella, “A Dundee Christmas”, as well as stories by some of the biggest romance authors of our time, including #1 New York Times Bestselling Author Debbie Macomber and romance favorites Bella Andre, Melody Anne, Violet Duke, Marie Force, Heather Graham, Laurelin Paige & Kayti McGee, Jane Porter, Melanie Shawn, RaeAnne Thayne, Melinda Curtis, Anna J. Stewart and Scarlett York. The set sells for only $9.99 (less than $1/story). The box will be released November 1st and will only be available through December 31st.

Get your hands on ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS now:


Find out more about each story in the ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS anthology:

“5-B POPPY LANE” by Debbie Macomber Come visit with Helen Shelton, her granddaughter Ruth and Ruth's husband, Paul. They'll offer you a cup of mulled cider and the story of how they met. 

“KISSING UNDER THE MISTLETOE” by Bella Andre For Mary Sullivan Christmas has always been about family. As she hangs her ornaments, she's swept back to the first days of her whirlwind romance with her husband--and the love that would be the foundation on which they built their family. 

“FINDING EACH OTHER” by Melody Anne Brayden Steele gave up his love of Christmas many years ago when he lost his mother and father in a car wreck. But the magic hasn’t given up on him. 

“BEFORE THAT PROMISE” by Violet Duke If anyone can make Drew Lawson believe in the magic of Christmas, it's the girl-next-door he's classified as completely off-limits.

 “CELEBRATION AFTER DARK” by Marie Force On the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary, Big Mac and Linda McCarthy take a look back at how they came to be, while each of their children confront a new challenge in their own lives. 

“SPIRIT OF THE SEASON” by Heather Graham” While struggling to raise her newly orphaned nephew, Davey, widow Becky Wexham must deal with the feelings she experiences when she once again comes into contact with Tim Yeagher, an old flame and Davey's Little League coach. 

“A DUNDEE CHRISTMAS” by Brenda Novak Welcome to Dundee, Idaho, where the town is small but the hearts of the people living in it are large. A woman seeking refuge in an unfamiliar town during a snowstorm is taken in by a man who helps her discover a new sense of home. 

“UNMATCHABLE” by Laurelin Paige and Kayti McGee After Jane Osborne is unceremoniously dumped by a rich man, and then invited to his wedding, on (Christmas Eve no less), she decides to hire a date from Craigslist and pass him off as an upgrade. 

“CHRISTMAS MIRACLE FOR DAISY” by Jane Porter When his goddaughter, Daisy, is orphaned, confirmed bachelor Cormac Sheenan adopts her. All goes well until Marietta's seasonal Santa Claus promises his daughter a mommy for Christmas. 

“CHRISTMAS WISH: A HOPE FALLS HOLIDAY NOVELLA” by Melanie Shawn For the movie star and the single mom, will a Christmas Wish become their new reality? 

“A COWBOY’S CHRISTMAS MIRACLE” by RaeAnne Thayne Widow and caterer Jenna Wheeler is determined to spin Christmas into the stuff of magic for her four children, even if that means helping out her new landlord, sexy billionaire Carson McRaven.

"THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS" by Melinda Curtis Simon Castle' s on his way to a make-or-break meeting unseasonably scheduled for December 25--until the gorgeous redhead subbing for his limo driver takes him on a detour. 

“GINGERBREAD DREAMS” by Anna J. Stewart Can carpenter Hamish MacFadden show free-spirit Essie Goodman how magical family--and Christmas--can be? 

“CRUEL INTENTIONS” by Scarlett York For fans of Pretty Little Liars…It’s hard to be a rhinestone in a diamond world...I was far from living the dream, but now I'm stuck in a nightmare of lies, deceit....and murder. Merry Christmas to me.

Get your hands on ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS now: